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Renew Materials

Courtesy Renewals

As a convenience, all eligible KPL materials receive one courtesy renewal when the material first becomes due.

  • Eligible materials are automatically renewed on the due date
  • If your account includes an email address, you will receive a message confirming what was renewed
  • You will also receive a separate email letting you know if any materials were not renewed

Materials Not Eligible for Courtesy Renewal:

  • Materials that have holds for other patrons
  • Materials that have already received one courtesy renewal
  • Hot Picks
  • Book Club Picks titles
  • Mobile hotspots

How to Renew Library Materials

You may renew library materials by asking a staff member at the checkout desk, by calling (269) 553-7806, or by yourself at a computer with Internet access.

Renew Materials

  1. Click the My Account link at the top of the page
  2. Enter your Library Card number (no spaces between numbers) and PIN number (typically the last four digits of your telephone number)
  3. Locate the material(s) in your Checkouts list(s)
  4. Click the Renew Title button below the title(s) you wish to renew

Note: If an item is on reserve for another patron, you will not be able to renew it.

Need Help? Call (269) 553-7800 or visit the Checkout Desk at your library location.

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