NOTICE: All KPL Locations will be CLOSED on Wednesday, October 9 for staff training.

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Lynn School

Wakeshma Township

Location: District #3 – Section 12, southwest corner of UV Avenue and 47th Street.

Kalamazoo County 1890, Published by Wm. C. Sauer. Local History Room


1921-22 Jessie D. Glazier
1922-23 Lester Swartz
1925-26 Ruth Halsey
1927-28 Ruth Halsey
1929-30 Mrs. Mabel Nagel
1930-31 Wilma Bigelow
1931-32 Miriam Pearson
1932-34 Lowell Snyder
1934-35 Bertha Gorsline
1935-42 Mrs. Minnie H. Haas
1942-43 Mrs. Minnie Haas and Mrs. Esther Moerdyke
1943-44 Mrs. Marguerite Kellogg
1944-47 Mrs. Anna Worthington
1947-48 no longer listed in directory



Rural schools break records in attendance

Kalamazoo Gazette, 31 January 1923, page 13, column 2.
Copy in Education (Kalamazoo County) Scrapbook #1, page 1.

Maps and atlases

USGS Topographic Map for Kalamazoo County, 1918 (Leonidas Quadrangle)

  • History Room topographic map case, drawer 1B, folder 23


Teachers’ and School Officers’ Directory, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, 1921-22, 1925-1948 (title varies)

  • Shelved in a pamphlet box with H 379.774 K149 (History Room Storage)

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