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Loving : interracial intimacy in America and the threat to White supremacy

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  • 306.845 C3389 (CEN)

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Publication Information

Boston : Beacon Press, [2017]

Physical Description

x, 237 pages ; 24 cm


Loving beyond boundaries is a radical act that is changing America. When Mildred and Richard Loving wed in 1958, they were ripped from their shared bed and taken to court. Their crime: miscegenation, punished by exile from their home state of Virginia. The resulting landmark decision of Loving v. Virginia ended bans on interracial marriage and remains a signature case—the first to use the words “wوىٰم ٱuمِْفٍك”” ٰ ُلمٱكىْقم ٱuكو فْكىٱ.ٍ ؤفْwىهَ ن ٍُْٰوم مفىٌْمٱٰ كوفِٰمٱْ ى َصس وىٱٰ”ُْ، مٌهف ٌٱكوفٌُ ْسوم”ْ ٌٌأفٱوى َمْvمفٱٌ ٰوم ملَuىْهَ مٌهفك” نُ ءمٍىْكف&#٬٢٠١٩؛ٱ ىُْهىفَ ٌٱى،َ ٰفْكىهَ وwُ wم ٰفْٱَنمٍُْل ن ٍُْف كuَُٰ”ْ wىٰوuُٰ ف َمَٰمْكَومل كٱَُٰuْكٰى َُنُ فْكم ٰ ُف فَٰى َُwوممْ مَُ ل ُِْنُ wََُوىٰم قلٌُُ مٍىْٰمل م٬كuٌٱى َُن ٍُْنu ٌٌكىٰى“مٱَوى.ِ ة َvىvىل لمٰفى،ٌ ٱوم ىuٌٌٱٰفْٰمٱ وwُ ٰوم ىلمف نُ wوىٰممَٱٱ wفٱ كمْفٰمل ق” ٰوم فٌَِٰم ْكفٌٱٱ نُ ”مٱٰملْف” فلَ ىٱ مْىنَكُْمل ق” ٰلُف”&#٬٢٠١٩؛ٱ wُِم-ْوuهَ”ْ لهُ-wوىٱٰمٌٱْ ٰ ُلىvىلم ٱٰuْههىٌهَ wوىٰمٱ فلَ مِمٌُِ نُ ك،ٌُُْ مٱَuىْهَ uٌِٰكُفْك” فلَ uلَمىٍْىَهَ ٰوم ك ٍٍَُُهلُُ. أفٱوى َفهْuمٱ ٰوفٰ vُم ْٰوم كuُٱْم نُ ٰوم فٌٱٰ نuُ ْكمَٰuىْمٱ ٰوممْ وفvم قمم َ“فلْمَٰ ىَٰمهفْٰٱُْ” فلَ ٰوفٰ ٰوٱُم مِمٌُِ فمْ ٰلُف” كَُٰىْقuٰىهَ ٰ ُٰوم ممٍهْمكَم نُ ف كفٌٱٱ نُ “كuٌٰuفْ”ٌٌ لم٬ٰمuُْٱ” ءمٍىْكفٱَ. ة َٰوم نىنٰ” ”مفٱْ ٱىكَم ٰوم جvُىهَٱ w َُٰومى ْكفٱم، فvُِِْف ٌن ُْىَٰمفْْكىف ٌفٍىْْفهم ٱُْم ن ٍُْ٤ مِكْمَٰ ٰ ُ٨٧ مِكْمَٰ. أفٱوى َٱمِكuفٌٰمٱ ٰوفٰ ىْٱىهَ فْٰمٱ نُ ىَٰمفْْكىف ٌىَٰىفٍك”&#٬٢٠١٤؛ىكَuٌلىهَ كٱُْٱ-فْكىف ٌفلُِٰى،َُ فٍُْكَم، فلَ نىْملَٱوى&ِ#٬٢٠١٤؛كقٍُىمَل wىٰو ىىٍٍهفْٰى،َُ لمهٍُفْوِىك، فلَ هممَفْٰىفَُ ٌكوفهَم، wى ٌٌكمْفٰم ف َفٱكملَفَٰ كفُىٌٰى َُنُ كuٌٰuفْ”ٌٌ لم٬ٰمuُْٱ wوىٰمٱ فلَ مِمٌُِ نُ ك.ٌُُْ جvُىهَ ىٱ قُٰو ف وىٱٰ”ُْ نُ wوىٰم ٱuمِْفٍك” فلَ ف ومُِنu ٌٰمْفٰىٱم َُٰوم نuٰuمْ نُ فْكم مْفٌٰىٱَُ ى َءمٍىْكف، كوفمٌٌهَىهَ ٰوم َُٰى َُٰوفٰ ٰىْكمًٌ-لwُ َهُِْمْٱٱىvم ىٌُِٰىكٱ ىٱ uُ ْ”ٌَُ ومُِ ن ُْف مٍُْ ىكَuٌٱىvم ٱكُىمٰ”. ءككمٱٱىقمٌ فلَ ٱوف،ِْ أفٱوى َمْفىَفٍٰمٱ ٰوم ٱُِٱىقىىٌٰ” نُ ف نuٰuمْ wوممْ ىَٰمفْْكىف ٌuلَمٱْٰفلَىهَ ٱمvْمٱ فٱ ف كفٰف”ٌٱٰ نُ ف ٱكُىف ٌمْvuٌُٰى َُملَىهَ َُٰ ى َفْٰىنىكىف ٌك ٌُُْقىٌلَمَٱٱ قuٰ ى َف كuٌٰuمْ wوممْ فككمِٰفكَم فلَ لىننممْكَم فمْ كممٌقفْٰمل.


  • Part one. Before Loving, 1607-1939
  • Going native : Virginia's first lovers and haters
  • Sex, love and rebellion in early colonial Virginia
  • Slavery begets anti-miscegenation and white supremacy
  • Miscegenation, dog-whistling and the spread of supremacy
  • Part two. Loving
  • Loving v. Virginia (1967)
  • Part three. After Loving
  • 2017 : Interracial intimacy and the threat to and persistence of white supremacy
  • More Loving : families and friendship
  • The future : the rise of the culturally dexterous.

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