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Spanish Language Databases Databases

Mango Languages

Start the conversation in your choice of over 70 world languages and dialects through courses crafted using conversational methodology, delivered through native speaker dialogue, and created with each individual learner in mind. Powered by intelligent technology and an adaptive algorithm, Mango empowers you to communicate with confidence, preparing you for uncharted experiences with language and culture. 

Mango Languages

Home Access

Categories: General Reference; Spanish Language Databases

Referencia Latina

This full-text Spanish-language database covers a broad array of subjects inside and outside academia. It offers content from a variety of sources, including reference books, general interest magazines and health reports.

Reference Latina

Remote Access

Categories: Spanish Language Databases

Consumer Health Information--Spanish

Consumer Health Information offers detailed answers to the 200 most-commonly-asked health questions. Supporting the needs of patrons and patients, these answers are provided in evidence-based reports that feature graphics, illustrations, easy-to-read text and links to additional information. In Spanish.

Consumer Health Information--Spanish

Remote Access

Categories: Health; Spanish Language Databases

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