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Suggest a Title for Reading Together

We invite anyone to suggest a title for Reading Together, using the following criteria.

The ideal Reading Together book:

  • Could be fiction (novel) or nonfiction (factual)
  • Is written by a living author in the U. S.
  • Is discussable to a diverse audience of readers
  • Is written in a style that is accessible to adult and young adult readers
  • Addresses themes around which local programs and partnerships could be organized, with a focus on helping to build community relationships across differences.
  • Is a conduit for learning, curiosity, inspiration, and/or escape.

Please submit one form per title.

  • Using the criteria above, please describe in 3-4 sentences why you think this title would be good Reading Together title. If the title doesn’t fit the criteria, please specifically state why you think it should still be considered.

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