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[2016] Book World War I in 40 posters [2016] Ann P Linder Book A farewell to arms : the Hemingway Library… [2012] Ernest Hemingway Book Why war is never a good idea [2007] Alice Walker Book Fields of fire : a novel [1978] James H Webb eBook hoopla Of Blood and Brothers Bk 2 [2021] Helms, Michael eBook hoopla So Others May Live [2019] Lee Hutch eBook hoopla The Day of the Beast [2021] Zane Grey eBook hoopla Of Blood and Brothers Bk 1 [2021] Helms, Michael eBook hoopla Vietnam: Honor and Sacrifice [2020] Gerry B. Feld eBook hoopla The Wartime Adventures of Harry Harris [2022] Gordon S. Dickson eBook hoopla A Shadowed Dawn [2021] William C. R. Agunwa eBook hoopla The End of the Battle [2021] Evelyn Waugh eBook hoopla Lágrimas del sol naciente dorado [2021] Ikechukwu Joseph eBook hoopla The Scepter And The Isle [2021] Murray Pura eBook hoopla There Was a Time [2021] Wittman, George H. eBook hoopla The Long March Home [2023] Marcus Brotherton eBook hoopla Hold at All Hazards [2021] Jones, David H. eBook hoopla Cain at Gettysburg [2012] Ralph Peters eBook hoopla Splinter on the Tide [2021] Parotti, Phillip eBook hoopla The Hunt for the Peggy C [2022] John Winn Miller eBook hoopla Approach by Stealth [2022] Cliff Hitchen eBook hoopla The Sound and the Silence [2023] Joellen Conger eBook hoopla The Hag Rider [2023] Thomas Fenske eBook hoopla Tranquilla: Book 3 - Horizons [2023] McRaven, Charles eBook hoopla Jedburghs [2022] Camp, Richard eBook hoopla Chase for Your Life [2023] Roberts, Douglas eBook hoopla Mist on the Rice-Fields [2008] Shipster, John eBook hoopla America's Commandos [2001] Thompson, Leroy eBook hoopla Wings Over the Channel [2022] Eric B. Forsyth eBook hoopla A Cast of Falcons [2021] Parotti, Phillip eBook hoopla The Beardless Warriors [2007] Richard Matheson eBook hoopla One Man's War [2011] Kippert, P. M. eBook hoopla To So Few - Hunter [2020] Cap Parlier eBook hoopla All Quiet on the Western Front - Unabridged [2024] Remarque, Erich Maria eBook hoopla Playing With Matches [2024] Strauss, Lee eBook hoopla Sweet Dates in Basra [2010] Jiji, Jessica eBook hoopla Hunters' Island [2024] Rottman, Gordon L. eAudiobook hoopla Stronger Than Fear [2023] Richard Trekasis eBook hoopla Hiro's War [2021] Rebecca Taniguchi eBook hoopla The Road Remembered [2021] Kaye D. Schmitz eBook hoopla Heroes de Guerra [2021] Wrinn, Daniel eBook hoopla Enemy Lines [2022] Vanessa Lind eBook hoopla Gettysburg by Morning [2023] Randy O'brien <>12345… Suggest an Item Search MeLCat Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogFilter by: Age Format Genre Language Library Availability Material Type