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Fiction (310)Nonfiction (188)Biographies (85)Holidays (44)Drama (28)Foreign (17)Graphic Novel (15)Detective and Mystery Stories (15)Fantasy Fiction (10)Comedy (8)Romance/Love Stories (7)Children's Award Winning Collection (6)Thrillers (4)World Music (4)Musical (3)Action (2)Classical (2)Science Fiction (2)Television Series (2)Children/Family (1)Game Cube (1)Jazz (1)1:MYST-THRIL (1)Reading Rainbow (1) <>12345… Book The maternal genetic lineages of Ashkenazic Jews [2022] Kevin Alan Brook Book What makes me a Jew? [2004] Adam Woog Book Judaism [2003] C M Pilkington Book Austerlitz [2001] Winfried Georg Sebald Book The German girl : a novel [2016] Armando Lucas Correa Book Always remember me : how one family survived… [2005] Marisabina Russo Book Josephus, the essential writings [1988] Flavius Josephus eVideo Kanopy Carmel. [2009] Book Yiddishland [1999] Silvain, Gérard. DVD The Jewish journey : America [2015] Goldberg, Andrew, 1968- Book Kopecks for blintzes [2016] Judy Goldman Book The great escape : nine Jews who fled Hitler and… [2006] Kati Marton Book A history of the Jews in the modern world [2005] Howard Morley Sachar Magazine Commentary. [2021] American Jewish Committee. Book Songs for the brokenhearted : a novel [2024] Ayelet Tsabari Book The old Jewish men's guide to eating, sleeping,… [2024] Noah Rinsky Book Who are the Jews-and who can we become? [2023] Donniel Hartman Book Once more with chutzpah [2022] Haley Neil Book Before all the world [2022] Moriel Rothman-Zecher Book Isaac's beacon : a novel [2021] David L Robbins Book The trick : a novel [2017] Emanuel Bergmann Book The book of Esther : a novel [2016] Emily Barton DVD The story of the Jews : with Simon Schama [2014] Schama, Simon, Book The story of the Jews : finding the words, 1000… [2013] Simon Schama Compact disc Tap. John Zorn's book of angels, Vol. 20 [2013] Pat Metheny Compact disc A Jewish celebration. [1987] Fineman, Alisa, Book The lost wife [2011] Alyson Richman Compact disc The Jewish songbook : the heart and humor of a… [2008] Statman, Andy, 1950- Book The Yiddish policemen's union : a novel [2007] Michael Chabon Book The wicked son : anti-Semitism, self-hatred, and… [2006] David Mamet Book Novels & stories, 1959-1962 [2005] Philip Roth Book The promised land : the birth of the Jewish… [2002] Neil Waldman Book Christmas tapestry [2002] Patricia Polacco Book Jews in Michigan [2001] Judith Levin Cantor Compact disc Chansons yiddish : tendresse et rage [1985] Moshe Leiser Book Gershon's monster : a story for the Jewish New… [2000] Eric A Kimmel Book The way meat loves salt : a Cinderella tale from… [1998] Nina Jaffe Compact disc Klezmer music sound recording : early Yiddish… [1908] Schwartz, Martin. Book When Jessie came across the sea [1997] Amy Hest Book A big quiet house : a Yiddish folktale from… [1996] Heather Forest Book Onions and garlic : an old tale [1996] Eric A Kimmel Book Starlight and candles : the joys of the Sabbath [1995] Fran Manushkin Book Davita's harp [1985] Chaim Potok Book Old love [1979] Isaac Bashevis Singer Book Finding our fathers : a guidebook to Jewish… [1977] Dan Rottenberg Book It could always be worse : a Yiddish folk tale [1976] Margot Zemach Book When Hitler stole pink rabbit [1971] Judith Kerr Book The promise. [1969] Chaim Potok Book When Shlemiel went to Warsaw & other stories.… [1968] Isaac Bashevis Singer Book Zlateh the goat and other stories [1966] Isaac Bashevis Singer <>12345… Suggest an Item Search MeLCat Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogFilter by: Age Format Genre Language Library Availability Material Type