Browse & Search Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogFilter by: Age Format Genre Language Library Availability Library Availability Close Filter the search results by Library Availability. Central Library (21)Eastwood Branch (11)Washington Square Branch (11)Oshtemo Branch (10)Show only AVAILABLE titles Format Close Filter the search results by Format. DVD (20)Blu-ray (5)eVideo (2) Language Close Filter the search results by Language. English (26)Spanish (7)French (6)Japanese (2)Portuguese (2)Swedish (1) Age Close Filter the search results by Age. Adult (24)Juvenile (1) Genre Close Filter the search results by Genre. 1:MYST-THRIL (15)Drama (4)Animated (2)Foreign (2)Children/Family (1)World Music (1) DVD Fear [2023] Taylor, Deon, eVideo Kanopy Marebito. [2004] DVD Fear(s) of the dark [2009] Schermann, Valérie. eVideo Kanopy Kingdom of shadows. [1998] DVD Winter light = Nattvardsgästerna [1962] Bergman, Ingmar, 1918-2007. DVD The girl behind the door [2021] Miller, Christie, DVD I live in fear = Ikimono no kiroku [1955] Kurosawa, Akira, 1910-1998. DVD Cobweb [2023] Bodin, Samuel, DVD Magic magic [2013] Silva, Sebastian, 1979- DVD Berserk [2019] Wakefield, Rhys, 1988- DVD Property = Propriedade [2022] Bandeira, Daniel, DVD Jeepers creepers [2012] Salva, Victor. DVD It comes at night [2017] Shults, Trey Edward DVD Out of darkness [2022] Cumming, Andrew (Director), Blu-ray Out of darkness [2022] Cumming, Andrew (Director), DVD The humans [2021] Karam, Stephen, Blu-ray Beau is afraid [2023] Aster, Ari, DVD Beau is afraid [2023] Aster, Ari, DVD Planet 51 [2010] Blanco, Jorge, director. DVD It. Chapter two [2019] Muschietti, Andrés DVD It. Chapter two [2019] Muschietti, Andrés Blu-ray It. Chapter two [2019] Muschietti, Andrés DVD Monsters University [2013] Scanlon, Dan, DVD The hurt locker [2008] Bigelow, Kathryn. Blu-ray The hurt locker [2008] Bigelow, Kathryn, Blu-ray Silent house [2012] Kentis, Chris, 1962- DVD Silent house [2012] Kentis, Chris, 1962- Suggest an Item Search MeLCat Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogFilter by: Age Format Genre Language Library Availability