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Fiction (890)Graphic Novel (237)Nonfiction (174)Detective and Mystery Stories (135)Fantasy Fiction (66)Children/Family (59)Holidays (56)Comic (49)Children's Award Winning Collection (10)Animated (7)Science Fiction (7)Comedy (4)Foreign (3)Romance/Love Stories (3)All In (2)Biographies (2)Drama (2)Games (2)Musical (2)1:MYST-THRIL (2)Home (1)Reading Rainbow (1)Motion Picture/Show Music (1)1:STAYSHARP (1)Television Series (1) <>12345… Book Walk your cat : the complete guide [2008] Steven Jacobson Book The cat bible : everything your cat expects you… [2007] Tracie Hotchner Book ASPCA complete cat care manual [1992] A T B Edney Book The Humane Society of the United States complete… [2002] Wendy Christensen Book The true-or-false book of cats [1998] Patricia Lauber Book Why does the cat do that? [1998] Susan Bonners Book Cats [1996] Gail Gibbons Book Tabby cats [1996] Stuart A Kallen Book Choosing a cat : how to choose and care for a… [2013] Laura S Jeffrey Book Do cats hear with their feet? : where cats come… [2008] Jake Page Book Total cat mojo : the ultimate guide to life with… [2017] Jackson Galaxy Book ASPCA complete guide to cats [1999] James R Richards Book Adventure cats : living nine lives to the… [2017] Laura J Moss Book The trainable cat : a practical guide to making… [2016] John Bradshaw Book The cat whisperer : why cats do what they do--… [2013] Mieshelle Nagelschneider Book Cats behaving badly : why cats do the naughty… [2012] Celia Haddon Book Understanding your cat : an illustrated guide to… [2001] Don Harper Book The life and love of cats [2012] Lewis Blackwell Book Caring for your aging cat : a quality-of-life… [2006] Janice Borzendowski Book The older cat : recognizing decline & extending… [2002] Dan Poynter Book Kitty riddles [2000] Katy Hall Book Is my cat a tiger? : how your pet compares to… [2006] Jenni Bidner Book Your cat : simple new secrets to a longer,… [2007] Elizabeth M Hodgkins Book The Cat care manual : a comprehensive manual for… [1999] Paddy Cutts Book Cat sense : how the new feline science can make… [2013] John Bradshaw Book Whole health for happy cats : a guide to keeping… [2006] Sandy Arora Book The total cat manual [2016] David (Writer on cats) Meyer Book I love cats! [2007] Sue Stainton Book Cat got a lot [2015] Steve Henry Book Matilda's cat [2012] Emily Gravett Book Drat that cat! [2013] Tony Ross Book How to be a cat [2013] Nikki McClure Book Thumpy Feet [2013] Betsy Lewin Book Matilda and Hans [2012] Yokococo Book Ginger and the mystery visitor [2010] Charlotte Voake Book Love that kitty! : the story of a boy who wanted… [2010] Jeff Jarka Book Scat, cat! [2010] Alyssa Satin Capucilli Book Totally fun things to do with your cat [1998] Maxine A Rock DVD Cats 101 [2011] Animal Planet (Television network), DVD The secret life of cats [2010] Argo, Allison. DVD National Geographic classics. Cats and dogs [2011] National Geographic Television. Book Catify to satisfy : simple solutions for… [2015] Jackson Galaxy Book How to talk to your cat [2000] Jean Craighead George Book If your cat could talk [2007] Bruce Fogle Book Catification : designing a happy and stylish… [2014] Jackson Galaxy Book The cat encyclopedia. [2014] DK Publishing, Inc. Book Bits & pieces [2013] Judith Byron Schachner Book A dangerous path [2004] Erin Hunter Book Fearless felines : 30 true tales of courageous… [2019] Kimberlie Hamilton Book Cats! [2017] John (John S) Hutton <>12345… Suggest an Item Search MeLCat Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogFilter by: Age Format Genre Language Library Availability Material Type