Browse & Search Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogFilter by: Age Format Genre Language Library Availability Library Availability Close Filter the search results by Library Availability. Central Library (28)Oshtemo Branch (16)Eastwood Branch (14)Washington Square Branch (12)Show only AVAILABLE titles Format Close Filter the search results by Format. DVD (28)Blu-ray (6)4K Ultra HD Blu-ray (6) Language Close Filter the search results by Language. English (40)French (17)Spanish (16)Chinese (1)Czech (1)Danish (1)Dutch (1)Finnish (1)German (1)Hungarian (1)Italian (1)Korean (1)Norwegian (1)Romanian (1)Swedish (1) Age Close Filter the search results by Age. Adult (37)Juvenile (4) Genre Close Filter the search results by Genre. Drama (11)Science Fiction/Fantasy (10)1:MYST-THRIL (6)Animated (3)Comedy (3)Holidays (3)Action (2)Children/Family (2) DVD The Polar Express [2005] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD What lies beneath [2000] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD I wanna hold your hand [2019] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray The Polar Express [2004] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- Blu-ray Allied [2017] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Allied [2016] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Back to the future part III [1990] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- Blu-ray Welcome to Marwen [2018] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Welcome to Marwen [2018] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Back to the future part III [1990] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Flight [2013] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Back to the future [1985] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Back to the future [1985] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Back to the future [1985] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- Blu-ray Back to the future [2015] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Cast away [2000] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- Blu-ray Back to the future part II [1989] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Back to the future part II [1989] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Back to the future part II [1989] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Contact [1997] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Who framed Roger Rabbit [1988] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- Blu-ray Who framed Roger Rabbit [1988] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Who framed Roger Rabbit [1988] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Forrest Gump [1994] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- Blu-ray Forrest Gump [1994] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Forrest Gump [1994] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD The witches [2020] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Used cars [1980] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Romancing the stone [2006] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD A Christmas carol [2010] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD The walk [2015] Zemeckis, Robert, 1952- DVD Forrest Gump [1994] Hanks, Tom. DVD Trespass [1992] Hill, Walter, 1942- DVD The frighteners [1996] Jackson, Peter, 1961- DVD The reaping [2007] Hopkins, Stephen, 1959- DVD Gothika [2003] Silver, Joel. DVD Ghost ship [2002] Beck, Steve, 1958- DVD 1941 [1979] Spielberg, Steven, 1946- DVD Thir13en ghosts [2001] Beck, Steve, 1958- DVD Monster house [2006] Kenan, Gil, Suggest an Item Search MeLCat Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogFilter by: Age Format Genre Language Library Availability