Browse & Search Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogFilter by: Genre Library Availability Library Availability Close Filter the search results by Library Availability. Central Library (34)Oshtemo Branch (11)Washington Square Branch (10)Eastwood Branch (6)Show only AVAILABLE titles Genre Close Filter the search results by Genre. Television Series (32)Action (1)Drama (1)Musical (1)Nonfiction (1) DVD Drumline, a new beat [2015] Woodruff, Bille, DVD White collar. The complete fifth season [2013] Eastin, Jeff, DVD White collar. The complete sixth season [2014] Eastin, Jeff, DVD Queen of the South. The complete fourth season [2019] Fortin, M. A. (Mark Alexandre), 1978- DVD The killing. The complete fourth season [2014] Cabreros-Sud, Veena, DVD White collar. The complete fourth season [2012] Eastin, Jeff, DVD White collar. The complete third season [2011] Eastin, Jeff, DVD White collar. The complete second season [2011] Eastin, Jeff, DVD The Chi. The complete second season [2019] Waithe, Lena, 1984- DVD The Americans. The complete first season [2013] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD The Americans. The complete second season [2014] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD The Americans. The complete final season [2018] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD Queen of the South. The complete first season [2016] Fortin, M. A. (Mark Alexandre), 1978- DVD Queen of the South. The complete third season [2018] Fortin, M. A. (Mark Alexandre), 1978- DVD The Americans. The complete fifth season [2017] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD The shield. Season three [2004] Ryan, Shawn, 1966- DVD The shield. Season two [2003] Ryan, Shawn, 1966- DVD The Rocky Horror picture show : let's do the… [2016] Ortega, Kenny, DVD The lost battalion [2001] Mulcahy, Russell, 1953- DVD The shield. Season one [2002] Ryan, Shawn, 1966- DVD The Americans. The complete third season [2016] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD The shield. Season six [2007] Ryan, Shawn, 1966- DVD The shield. Season seven, The final act [2008] Ryan, Shawn, 1966- DVD The shield. Season four [2005] Ryan, Shawn, 1966- DVD The shield. Season five [2006] Ryan, Shawn, 1966- DVD The killing. The complete third season [2013] Cabreros-Sud, Veena, DVD The Americans. The complete fourth season [2016] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD CSI, Vegas. Season one [2021] Tracey, Jason, DVD Abbott Elementary. The complete second season [2022] Brunson, Quinta, DVD Cosmos, a spacetime odyssey [2014] Tyson, Neil deGrasse, DVD Inspector Lewis. Series 5 [2012] Whately, Kevin. DVD Abbott Elementary. The complete first season [2021] Brunson, Quinta, DVD This is us. The complete fourth season [2019] Fogelman, Dan, DVD This is us. The complete fifth season [2020] Fogelman, Dan, DVD Inspector Lewis. Series 2 [2009] Whately, Kevin, DVD The hollow crown. The Wars of the Roses [2016] Cooke, Dominic, Suggest an Item Search MeLCat Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogFilter by: Genre Library Availability