Browse & Search Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogSpy television programsFilter by: Age Format Genre Language Library Availability Library Availability Close Filter the search results by Library Availability. Central Library (70)Oshtemo Branch (19)Washington Square Branch (11)Eastwood Branch (3)Show only AVAILABLE titles Format Close Filter the search results by Format. DVD (70)Blu-ray (1)4K Ultra HD Blu-ray (1) Language Close Filter the search results by Language. English (72)French (15)Spanish (11)Japanese (1) Age Close Filter the search results by Age. Adult (71)Juvenile (1) Genre Close Filter the search results by Genre. Television Series (71)Children/Family (1) <>12 DVD Special ops: Lioness. Season one [2023] Sheridan, Taylor, DVD Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. The final season [2023] Cuse, Carlton, Blu-ray Andor. The complete first season [2022] Gilroy, Tony, 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Andor. The complete first season [2022] Gilroy, Tony, DVD Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. Season three [2022] Cuse, Carlton, DVD Ghosts of Beirut [2023] Isaacharoff, Avi, 1973- DVD Pennyworth. The third and final season [2022] Heller, Bruno, DVD Rabbit hole. Season one [2023] Requa, John, DVD Killing Eve. Season 4 [2022] Waller-Bridge, Phoebe, 1985- DVD Signora Volpe. Series 1 [2022] Cuperman, Rachel, DVD Pennyworth. The complete second season [2020] Heller, Bruno, DVD Killing Eve. Season 3 [2020] Waller-Bridge, Phoebe, 1985- DVD Pennyworth. The complete first season [2019] Heller, Bruno, DVD Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. Season two [2019] Cuse, Carlton, DVD MacGyver. Season 3 [2018] Lenkov, Peter M., DVD The Bureau. Season 5 [2020] Rochant, Eric, DVD Archer. The complete season nine, Danger Island [2018] Reed, Adam (Adam Brooks) DVD Killing Eve. Season two [2019] Waller-Bridge, Phoebe, 1985- DVD Homeland. The complete seventh season [2019] Gordon, Howard, 1961- DVD Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. Season one [2018] Cuse, Carlton, DVD Counterpart. The complete second season [2018] Marks, Justin (Screenwriter), DVD The Bureau. Season 4 [2018] Rochant, Eric, DVD Gunpowder [2017] Blakeson, J, DVD Counterpart. The complete first season [2018] Marks, Justin (Screenwriter), DVD Killing Eve [2018] Waller-Bridge, Phoebe, 1985- DVD The Americans. The complete fifth season [2017] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD Archer. The complete season eight, Dreamland [2018] Reed, Adam (Adam Brooks) DVD The Americans. The complete final season [2018] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD Homeland. The complete sixth season [2018] Gordon, Howard, 1961- DVD The Americans. The complete fourth season [2016] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD The bureau. Season 2 [2016] Rochant, Eric, DVD The Bureau. Season 3 [2017] Rochant, Eric, DVD Homeland. The complete fifth season [2017] Gordon, Howard, 1961- DVD Archer. The complete season six [2016] Reed, Adam (Adam Brooks) DVD The bureau. Season 1 [2014] Rochant, Eric, DVD The night manager [2016] Bier, Susanne, 1960- DVD The Americans. The complete third season [2016] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD Homeland. The complete fourth season [2015] Gordon, Howard, 1961- DVD The Americans. The complete first season [2013] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The complete first season [2013] Whedon, Joss, 1964- DVD The honorable woman [2014] Blick, Hugo, 1965- DVD Homeland. The complete third season [2014] Gordon, Howard, 1961- DVD The Americans. The complete second season [2014] Weisberg, Joe, 1965- DVD Burn notice. Season seven [2013] Nix, Matt, DVD Special agent Oso. The spy who helped me [2009] Riley, Ford. DVD Burn notice. Season six [2013] Nix, Matt. DVD Homeland. The complete second season [2012] Gordon, Howard, 1961- DVD Burn notice. Season five [2012] Nix, Matt. DVD Homeland. The complete first season [2011] Gordon, Howard, 1961- DVD Burn notice. Season four [2011] Nix, Matt. <>12 Suggest an Item Search MeLCat Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogSpy television programsFilter by: Age Format Genre Language Library Availability