Browse & Search Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogEnglishCentral LibraryShow only AVAILABLE titlesRemove all filtersFilter by: Format Genre Language Format Close Filter the search results by Format. DVD (12)Blu-ray (9)4K Ultra HD Blu-ray (5) Language Close Filter the search results by Language. Spanish (4)French (3)Portuguese (2) Genre Close Filter the search results by Genre. Action (11)Drama (8)Comedy (2)1:MYST-THRIL (2)Foreign (1)Science Fiction/Fantasy (1)Television Series (1) Blu-ray Mississippi mermaid = La sirène du Mississipi [1969] Truffaut, François, DVD Citizen Kane [1941] Welles, Orson, 1915-1985. DVD Atlas shrugged. Part one [2011] Johansson, Paul, 1964- 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray The Tall T [1957] Boetticher, Budd, 1916-2001, DVD The bride came C.O.D. [2007] Keighley, William, 1889-1984. DVD State of the union [2006] Capra, Frank, 1897-1991. Blu-ray Texasville [1990] Bogdanovich, Peter, 1939-2022, Blu-ray Another thin man [1939] Van Dyke, W. S., DVD Another thin man [1939] Van Dyke, W. S. DVD Rushmore [1999] Anderson, Wes, 1969- DVD Undercurrent [1946] Minnelli, Vincente, Blu-ray Grand Hotel [1932] Goulding, Edmund, 1891-1959, DVD Iron Man [2008] Downey, Robert, Jr., 1965- Blu-ray Citizen Kane [1941] Welles, Orson, 1915-1985, 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Citizen Kane [1941] Welles, Orson, 1915-1985, DVD Citizen Kane [1941] Welles, Orson, 1915-1985, Blu-ray A view to a kill [1985] Glen, John, 1932- DVD A view to a kill [2012] Glen, John, 1932- DVD Dracula. Season 1 [2014] Haddon, Cole, Blu-ray The magnificent seven [2016] Fuqua, Antoine, 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray The magnificent seven [2016] Fuqua, Antoine, 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Iron Man [2008] Favreau, Jon, Blu-ray Iron Man [2008] Favreau, Jon, DVD Moonraker [2015] Gilbert, Lewis, 1920- 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Decision at sundown ; Buchanan rides alone. [1957] Boetticher, Budd, 1916-2001, Blu-ray Tomorrow never dies [2012] Spottiswoode, Roger. Suggest an Item Search MeLCat Search forAll formatsAudiobooksBooksLibrary of ThingsMagazinesMusicVideoseAudiobookeBookseLearningeMagazineseMusiceVideosSearch byKeywordAuthorSeriesSubjectTitleEnter a search termClear searchUse the classic catalogEnglishCentral LibraryShow only AVAILABLE titlesRemove all filtersFilter by: Format Genre Language