Notice: Warming Centers in Kalamazoo: KPL is not equipped to operate as a warming center or provide the extended hours and support required during extreme weather events. Here is a list of warming centers in Kalamazoo.

Notice of Public Meeting: Kalamazoo Public Library Board of Trustees | December 9 | 5 pm | Central Library/Van Deusen Room. The packet of information for the meeting can be found on the library’s website

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Dogs of war

Call Number


Publication Information

London : Head of Zeus, 2017.

Physical Description

346 pages ; 23 cm


Rex is a Good Dog. He loves humans. He hates enemies. He's utterly obedient to Master. He's also seven foot tall at the shoulder, bulletproof, bristling with heavy calibre weaponry. But what happens when Master is tried as a war criminal? What rights does the Geneva Convention grant weapons? All he wants to be is a Good Dog.

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