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Hippocrates, Father of Medicine







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Muriwai Books


First published in 1963, this book by University of Missouri Microbiology Professor Herbert S. Goldberg provides the reader with a picture of the life and times of Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine." Hippocrates was born on the island of Cos in 460 B.C., and his works remained for centuries the foundation of medical and biographical knowledge. In addition, it was Hippocrates daring approach to the problems of sickness and disease that drove the opening wedge into the wall of fear that surrounded human ills. Hippocrates scrupulous attention to professional ethics is honored even to this day by the medical oath that bears his name-The Hippocratic Oath. Goldberg accurately describes the professions and trades during Hippocrates time, as well as the early education of youth in ancient Greece. Medicines were not based on science, but on driving evil spirits from the body. Hippocrates scientific approach to the study and treatment of disease has deservedly earned for him the title of "Father of Medicine."

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